The Langtang region is easily accessible from Kathmandu. Langtang area in itself is a good choice for those with limited time. In one week to ten days, one can visit Langtang area for trekking. The Himalayan views overall are not quite as spectacular as in the Annapurna or Everest areas, but they remain unforgettably beautiful. In addition, the trails are less crowded and the people are friendly.
Perhaps first established as national park for Himalayan wildlife, Langtang National Park is crossed with hiking and trekking paths and mountaineering trails allowing visitor’s unparalleled accessibility. You will often see musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster) and Himalayan Thar (Hemitragus jemlahicus), Himalayan black beer (selenarctos thibetanus), snow leopard (panthera uncia), wild god (cuon alpinus), ghoral (Nemorhedus goral) serow (capricornis sumantrenis) and more than 250 species of birds. The park is also renowned for its population of red panda (Ailurus fulgens). A little further up the valley is Kyanjin Gompa, where we stop overnight and sample the local yak cheese. We pass through Nubamatang, nestled in a hidden valley, on our way up to view the glaciers, which mark the gateway into Tibet. Backtracking, we travel through Syabru and Sing Gompa to a high plateau, where the sacred lake Gosainkund is located. Crossing the Llaurebena Pass (4610m), we continue south, leaving the Langtang region behind us as we travel through the Helambu valley to Gul Bhanjyang. From here it’s just a few days trek back to Kathmandu

Itinerary: 1Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu, check in your hotel.Day 02: Full day sightseeing in Kathmandu Valley.Day 03: Kathmandu to Syabru Besi (by bus)Day 04: Syabru Besi to Lama HotelDay 05: Lama Hotel to Langtang VillageDay 06: Langtang Valley to Kyanjin GompaDay 07: Exploration around Kyanjin GompaDay 08: Kyanjin Gompa to Ghora TabelaDay 09: Ghora Tabela to Syabru BesiDay 10: Syabru Besi to Kathmandu (bus)Day 11: Rest & free day in KathmanduDay 12: Departure for another trip or departure to your country from Kathmandu.
Itinerary: 2Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu.Day 2: Full day sightseeing in Kathmandu Valley.Day 3: Kathmandu-Dhunche by bus.Day 4: Dhunche to Syabru VillageDay 5: Syabru Village to Cholang PatiDay 6: Cholang Pati to GosainkundaDay 7: Gosainkunda to sing GompaDay 8: Sing Gompa to DhuncheDay 9: Dhunche to Kathmandu.Day 10: Free and easy day in kathmandu.Day 11: Drive back from KTM Airport for onward flight. Or for next trip departure…
Itinerary:3Day 1:- Drive fro Kathmandu to Syabrubesi ( 1430 m.).Day 2:- Trek to Lama Hotel (2380m.)Day 3:- Trek to Langtang (3707m.)Day 4:- Trek to Kyanjing Gompa (3840m.)Day 5:- Trek back from Kyanjing Gompa to Kyanjing Ri.Day 6:- Trek to lama Hotel.Day 7:- Trek to Syabrubesi.Day 8:- Drive from Syabrubesi to Kathmandu by Bus.
Tamang Heritage Trails Trekking LangtangThe trail ends at Briddim which lies on the lap of Langtang Himal.Visitors can also

visit local monasteries of Dukchu Gomba (monastery) chosen as sacred site by the great Tibetan Lama – Guru Rinpoche and Chukla Khnaga Gomba.
The trail starts either from Dhunche or Syabrubesi and passes through Goljung, Gatlang, Chilime, Thuman, Timure and Briddim. The trail may end back in Syabrubesi or follow the Langtang trek from Briddim village via Khanjim. Goljung and Gatlang are traditional Tamang villages. While Goljung has ancient monastery, Gatlang set high on a hillside among terraced fields is the Tamang settlement. One can also visit a Tamang monastery and the beautiful Parvatikunda Lake at Gatlang. From the viewpoint at Bahundanda near these settlements, one can also see a panoramic view of Lantang, Kerung, and the Ganesh Himal, Sanjen Himal ranges. After the trek of several days, bathing in the hot, healing waters of the natural spring at Tatopani, from Gatlang to Chilime is an exhiliarating experience. Brimdang offers cultural experience at community-run home-stay, while Nagathali in Thuman VDC is surrounded by beautiful views of Langtang, Kerung, Ganesh Himal and Sanjen Himal ranges. Nagthali used to be a popular meditation center for the local monks and priests. Next is Timure on the old trade route to Tibet. A fort at Rasuwagadi in Timure is a historical reminder of the Nepal-Tibet relations that has existed for many centuries. A suspension bridge here links Nepal and Tibet.

Day 01 : Drive from Kathmandu to Syabru besi ( 10-11 hours).
Day 02 : Syabru besi trek to Gatlang (5 hrs).
Day 03 : Gatlang trek to Tatopani (6-7 hrs).
Day 04 : Tatopani trek to Thuman (6 hrs).
Day 05 : Thuman trek to Briddim (6 hrs)..
Day 06 : Briddim trek to Lamahotel (6 hrs).
Day 07 : Lamahotel trek to Langtang (6hrs).
Day 08 : Langtang trek to Kanjin (4 hrs).
Day 09 : Kanjin rest day and hike to Langsisa Kharka or Glacier langtang –lirung or hike to Tsherko ri (5000M)
Day 10 : Kanjin trek to Lama hotel (6 hours)
Day 11 : Lama hotel trek to Thulosyabru (5-6 hours)
Day 12 : Thulosyabru trek to Dhunche 5 hours
Day 13 : Dhunche drive to Kathmandu (6-7 hours)

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