Muktinath is one of the major trekking destinations in Annapurna Region, lies in the district of Mustang. Muktinath is the most famous pilgrimage place for Hindu and Buddhist and the main shrine here is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and the Buddhist Gompa.    

Near the Temple you will observe the 108 water spouts from where holy water

pours and also you will observe an eternal flame fed by natural gas. The highlights of this trek include beautiful mountain scenery, pristine forests, diversity of flora and fauna and it allocates you to interact with the warm hearted and kind simple people whose rich and varied customs give you an insight into the typical life style of Gurung and Magar people and their culture and tradition.

Facts of the Trek 

Grade: Moderate
Best season: February, March, April, May, October, November
Per day walking: 5 – 6 hours
Type of Trek: Teahouse
Duration: 15 days
Maximum Elevation: 3800m
Trekking Highlights 
Offers excellent views of Annapurna South, Machhapuchchhre and Himalchuli
Exploring the scenic and magnificent beauty of the rich Nature
Traditional Magar Village
Unique Thakali cultures to explore
Religious Hindu Temple Muktinath
108 water spouts


Trekking Itinerary:
Day 01: Arrive at Kathmandu
Day 02: Kathmandu City Tour
Day 03: Kathmandu to Pokhara (6 hours drive by car/van)
Day 04: Pokhara to Tikhedhunga (1540m)
Day 05: Tikhedhunga to Ghorapani (2870m)
Day 06: Ghorapani to Tatopani (2710m)
Day 07: Tatopani to Ghasa (2010m)
Day 08: Ghasa to Larjung (2560m)
Day 09: Larjung to Jomsom (2710m)
Day 10: Jomsom to Kagbeni (2800 m)
Day 11: Kagbeni to Muktinath (3800m)
Day 12: Muktinath to Jomsom
Day 13: Jomsom to Pokhara
Day 14: Pokhara to Kathmandu
Day 15: Transfer to Airport for your onward destination.

For more  Information : Email :

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