Paragliding In Pokhara

 Nepal forms a rectangle on the southern slopes of the Himalaya and is without exception, the most stunning country imaginable. The main area for paragliding is the Pokhara valley, commanding views of 3 of the worlds 8000m peaks with friendly and constant conditions for your paragliding holiday.

Tandem flying involves a pilot flying with a passenger. Both have separate harnesses that are attached to each other and the wing. Paragliding harnesses are built for comfort and safety, they feel more like an armchair. Once launched the passenger just sits back, relaxes and takes in the epic scenery. Even taking pictures is not a problem. Due to the portable nature and easy launch characteristics of a paraglider (they fit into a rucksack) We can take them anywhere and fly them from most mountains in Nepal.

It take a 20 min jeep ride from Pokhara to Sarangkot the viewpoint 2000ft above Lakeside. From here we can see 3 of the highest mountains in the world. Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Manaslu, all over 8000 m. We offer 3 types of tandem flight from here.

Phewa Lake View
In the morning and late afternoon these 30min flights give you a taste of unpowered flight, taking you over Pokhara lake and then landing by a Lakeside bar.

Cloud buster
This midday flight gives you the thrill of high flight as we thermal up above Sarangkot in the company of eagles and vultures, 30min - 1 hour. We land by the lake. 

This offers you the chance to experience flying from one valley to another. Using thermals, clouds and birds to guide us, we take you on an unforgettable journey north of Pokhara towards the big mountains. We fly as long as we can and aim to return to Pokhara that afternoon.

A short video of Paraglading in Pokhara


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