Red Cliffs at Dhakmar, Upper Mustang
Mustang is a mystic land in the rain shadow area of Nepal. Upper Mustang, with topography and culture resembling Tibet has many unique features and attractions. Mustang is an ancient Himalayan Kingdom which lies in the northern central part of Nepal and at the top of the Kaligandaki River. Upper Mustang consists of two distinct regions: the southern part and the northern where the languages, culture and traditions are alike to those of the Tibetan people. Upper Mustang is consider as one of the most interesting and picturesque places in Nepal. The whole area has an isolated and mystical feel to it, enchanting and inspiring visitors to this region. The major attraction of Upper Mustang is the walled city of Lo-Manthang.

Upper Mustang was a separate kingdom within Nepal until the time of Monarchy till 2006 and even after the downfall of Monarchy this small Tibetan settlement has the same respect for their King Jigme Paramal Bista. The trek to Lo-Manthang is through high altitude desert country climbing in and out of the huge sided valley of the Kali Gandaki. In places the gorge which the Kali Gandaki River runs through is the deepest in the world. This region is full of some of Nepal's oldest Buddhist Monasteries, ancient and isolated villages with quaint white washed houses.


Day 1: Arrive Kathmandu
Day 2: Explore the city and prepare for the trek.
Day 3: Drive to Pokhara.
Day 4: Fly to Jomsom (2700m) and trek to Kagbeni (2810m)
Day 5: Trek to Chuksang (2900m)
Day 6: Trek to Samar (3150m)
Day 7: Trek to Geling (3510m)
Day 8: Trek to Ghami (3490m)
Day 9: Trek to Charang (3620m)
Day 10: Trek to Lo Manthang (3840m)
Day 11: Explore Lo Manthang
Day 12: Trek back to Ghami (3490m)
Day 13: Ghami to Chuksang (2900m)
Day 14: Chuksang to Muktinath (3795m)
Day 15: Trek to Jomsom
Day 16: Fly to Pokhara
Day 17: Drive back to Kathmandu.
Day 18: Depart Kathmandu to reach another destination or fly back home with memories of the trek. 

for more information :  Email : gcranjit@hotmail.com

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